European Project Semester at ISEP - EPS@ISEP

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European Project Semester at ISEP - EPS@ISEP

This is the electronic logbook-group 2. It should be updated every week to introduce the weekly report, specify the agenda of the next meeting and write the minute of the last meeting.

Project Title:

Humidifier with a Web Interface

Project Summary:

The goal is to develop a humidifier with a Web interface for a server room of 80 m³.

The final product must:

  1. maintain of a relative humidity between 40 % and 70 % (+- 5);
  2. distribute the generation of water vapour within the room;
  3. have two days of autonomy;
  4. be placed on the floor of the room;
  5. include water and humidity alarms;
  6. have on-off switch;
  7. be compliant with the EU Directives 2006/42/CE 2006-05-17 and 2006/95/CE 2006-12-12;
  8. have a composite material structure to hold the control unit and the water container;
  9. include a life-cycle analysis;
  10. use open source technologies.


Institution: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

Group 2:


  • Fátima Leal
  • Marc Ribas
  • Mihaly Varga
  • Mateusz Małkowski


  • Betina Campos Neves (bbn 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • João Francisco Silva (jfs 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Manuel Santos Silva (mss 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Maria Benedita Malheiro (mbm 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Nídia Sá Caetano (nsc 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)
  • Pedro Barbosa Guedes (pbg 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)

Client: ISEP's Data Centre

  • José Barros Oliveira (jbo 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt)



Mateusz Małkowski,, Mateusz

EPS@ISEP Group at Facebook



  • Prof. João Correia Lopes
  • Eng.º Vítor Costa Cerqueira
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